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Hoodia And Phentermine

There are many weight losing drugs that may be chemical drugs or the natural ones. Natural ones are the drugs extracted from the plants such like the Hoodia. Chemical drugs are obtained artificially through the inventions in the laboratories. Plant extracts are less prone to side effects or cause no side effects but chemical drugs are not free from side effects. There are many such inventions going on to find fast healing from naturally obtained drugs. For weight loosing Hoodia is been more popular but there is another herbal weight loosing drug Phentermine that is as same as Hoodia. Phentermine is also very effective in reducing the appetite helping in weight loss. People in more number tout Hoodia to be equivalent to Phentermine.

Types of Phentermine

Phentermine has side effects like heart rate variation, high level of concentration, pressure and metabolism. These side effects though are in mild but can not be ignored. In this case Hoodia has its hands up which can be taken without any fear of side effects. Diet programs are not that simple, they should be researched before attempting. In Phentermine there are two types of Diet programs. The difference between the two is the ingredients. Original Phentermine can not be taken without prescription and the Natural Phentermine is herbal having 100% herbal ingredients that can be used without any prescription. As per the market studies Phentermine is at the top of the sales list among the diet products. But Hoodia Gordonii is no less in competing and is said to be concentrating the market in high run hoping to top the list soon.

Affects of Phentermine

Phentermine can be dangerous if taken with other drugs which are consumed normally for other problems. So prescription from a doctor giving your case studies would be a cautious step, otherwise can be prone to side effects that Phentermine is posed to affect. Side effects will be worse if mixed with alcohol or other drugs. Hoodia is a safe diet that is free of any side effects and can be taken boldly without any fear. This clearly shows that Phentermine is not the only product for losing weight in market and can just go for other better ones. Side effects of Phentermine can be drowsiness, blurred vision, dry mouth, dizziness, irritability, constipation or stomach upset. For all these problems chemical Phentermine is loosing its reputation and herbal Phentermine has hit the market and is getting good review.

It is the time for the two diet drugs, natural Phentermine and Hoodia Gordonii to compete each other. Though Hoodia has its hand high on sales being completely natural with no side effects, Phentermine Herbal has been a competitor for its low price compared with. Phentermine should be taken with regular exercises. Hoodia Gordonii can be taken without any exercises which is an added advantage for its bright sale. Hoodia Gordonii is easy and tension free weight loosing drug loved by many all over the world. But it is left to the user to define and decide which is better. And it is yet to be decided which is the best.



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